Sunday, 22 July 2012

Kirsty's First Quilt

The scene is set - we have guests staying for B&B. My daughter (Kirsty), her partner and our gorgeous two year old granddaughter are staying for 6 days. My son and his girlfriend come up for the week-end. In the middle of all this my daughter says "Mum I'd like to make a quilt. Can you show me how?" Swallowing hard I say "No problem. We'll have a go when Cerys has her daily nap!" So, 5 sessions later my daugher proudly takes home with her a small quilt which is 'on the hoop' ready to quilt! Getting the quilt to that point was no mean feat so I am very proud of Kirsty's first attempt. I reckon she's a natural but there again I am her mother!! In the rush to leave we forgot to take a photo so she sent me this from her iphone.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Cot Quilt

The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hip hooray (just practising for the imminent visit of my granddaughter from Scotland on Tuesday but actually the sun is shining so have been out in the garden  taking snaps of the completed cot quilt). Ive really enjoyed this one - so bright and off the wall for me. The backing fabric caught my eye at Abakahn and tones in a treat. I kept the quilting very simple. Just in the ditch around the small central suares and in the ditch around the larger six inch squares. Just waiting for it to be used now!

So....what's next? Ok so Harriet  hasn't materialised yet. Don't nag me.....all in good time!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Cot Quilt

I've just read my last blog which told me that I was going to introduce a new friend for Bunny called Harriet! Well, as you can see Harriet has not appeared! Life gets in the way sometimes don't you think?! However I have not been idle. I have created this cot quilt from yet more scraps. Running a Bed and Breakfast ( means that we often have families to stay and families very often include babies funnily enough! Thought this would be quite a cheerful edition to my collection!  It's on the hoop so look out for the finished article in my next blog.