Friday, 30 November 2012

The supermarket bag of scraps quilt

I thought you might like to see my daughter's first attempt at quiltmaking. Kirsty was brought up surrounded by scraps of  fabric and sewing yarns but never showed much interest in picking up a needle...more interesting things in life to pursue at a young age, but now, out of the blue in her thirties  a  creative urge has erupted. Brilliant! The remit was to make a quilt solely from a supermarket bag full of scraps (in case she didn't enjoy quiltmaking!) and the photographs I reckon reinforce the notion that one person's scraps are another persons treasure. Stunning for a first attempt.Da iawn Kirsty!

You could say the quilt was pieced in a day (Construction actually took place during her daughter's afternoon  nap time over a perion of 5 days ). I think she found the informal construction and relaxed ' precision' of the patchwork appealing. Cut and sew and go with the flow sort of approach.She is making this for a friend for Christmas. Lucky friend!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Plan Ahead

Pnawn da pawb (good afternnon all!)
Have just read my last blog to remind me where I was up to. Ah, yes my purple quilt. Well as you can see it's on it's way and on the hoop as we say but it has been a tortuous journey. I don'tknow why. Firstly it  was simply going to be a Welsh Strippy quilt. So I cut  the fabric and sewed strips together. Then I thought - no, that's not right. It needs something to lift it. So a visit to Dilys as I mentioned last time and my mind was reset. That's it I thought. I know where I'm going. So I started unpicking and inserting strips of squared triangles (Hm not sure if that's the right description) So 37 squares sewn together and inserted - no problem. Keep going Kate. Sew in next strip of 37 squares - oh hang on a minute 35 squares fit the length of fabric. Big sigh! The moral of this tale is............if you are sewing 37 pieces of fabric together you have to be pretty accurate with your seem allownaces if you want the next 37 pieces to end up the same length... I won't be doing that  pattern again! However I think it will look cool when it's all done. So quilting for over 25yrs and still not an expert. May this be a note of reassurance to novices. Now as for my next quilt........

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Festival of Quilts 2012

Went to the Quilt Festival or should I say Festival of Quilts in Birmingham in August  and saw some great quilts. The standard just keeps getting better all the time. However as a hand quilter I was a bit disappointed in the evergrowing numbers of machine quilted pieces. I view handquilting as a very personal statement in quiltmaking but thats just me. Rather than leaning or standing at a longarm sewing maching what could be nicer than snuggling up with your quilt on the hoop on a chilly day while watching your favourite programme on the box!
So here are a few snapshots of things that took my fancy -  either  innovative or quirky or just the colours or texture or just jawdroppingly gorgeous.
As to other things I've been doing...........
I have also made a few more little rabbits and hares so might try selling them locally if I can think of a reasonable yet realistic price for them.
As for the purple quilt - well I didn't think I'd have this amount of  head scratching trying to work out quilting patterns but a trip to my qyilting friend Dilys soon put me on the right road. Sometimes you just need to talk your concerns out loud!! Hopefully my next blog should shoe some progress in its assembly. I've just ironed 400 x  2.5" squares made up of joined triangles!
Tan tro nesa


Saturday, 1 September 2012

Harriet Hare

So, here we are, the 1st of September and over a month since my last blog. I suppose I have the excuse of running a Bed and Breakfast and the summer months are our busiest times but, no matter, let me introduce you to Harriet hare. I made her over an evening and the following morning so that wasn't too bad. Harriet will sit in one of our guest bedrooms - lucky girl! (how ridiculous. I am talking about a stuffed toy!!)
Went to the Festival of Quilts last weekend and saw some awsome quilts. Will post some of my favourite bits next time. I'm also going to Harrogate tomorrow for another quilting 'Do' so my purse is at the ready! I have been collecting shades of purple (subtle shades of course!) for my next quilt but still need a couple more. Can't wait to start. So lots of piccies to come. Watch out. Tan tro nesa. Kate

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Kirsty's First Quilt

The scene is set - we have guests staying for B&B. My daughter (Kirsty), her partner and our gorgeous two year old granddaughter are staying for 6 days. My son and his girlfriend come up for the week-end. In the middle of all this my daughter says "Mum I'd like to make a quilt. Can you show me how?" Swallowing hard I say "No problem. We'll have a go when Cerys has her daily nap!" So, 5 sessions later my daugher proudly takes home with her a small quilt which is 'on the hoop' ready to quilt! Getting the quilt to that point was no mean feat so I am very proud of Kirsty's first attempt. I reckon she's a natural but there again I am her mother!! In the rush to leave we forgot to take a photo so she sent me this from her iphone.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Cot Quilt

The sun has got his hat on, hip, hip, hip hooray (just practising for the imminent visit of my granddaughter from Scotland on Tuesday but actually the sun is shining so have been out in the garden  taking snaps of the completed cot quilt). Ive really enjoyed this one - so bright and off the wall for me. The backing fabric caught my eye at Abakahn and tones in a treat. I kept the quilting very simple. Just in the ditch around the small central suares and in the ditch around the larger six inch squares. Just waiting for it to be used now!

So....what's next? Ok so Harriet  hasn't materialised yet. Don't nag me.....all in good time!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Cot Quilt

I've just read my last blog which told me that I was going to introduce a new friend for Bunny called Harriet! Well, as you can see Harriet has not appeared! Life gets in the way sometimes don't you think?! However I have not been idle. I have created this cot quilt from yet more scraps. Running a Bed and Breakfast ( means that we often have families to stay and families very often include babies funnily enough! Thought this would be quite a cheerful edition to my collection!  It's on the hoop so look out for the finished article in my next blog.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Made this little friend last week. A name doesn't immediately spring to mind so as she is a rabbit I think I'll just call her Bunny! Not very original I know. She will have a new friend soon who will be called   Harriet. Keep following......

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Memo Block Quilt for Makka Pakka

From this - take one bag of scraps

To this - take sheets sheets of memo block (you know those cubes of paper that you doodle on when talking on the phone!). Draw a simple pattern numbering 1 to 4. Randomly choose fabrics and using the pattern, sew 2 to 1 then 3 to 2 and finally 4 to 3. This is called the 'foundation method' where you sew fabric directly on to the paper as described above. It's a bit difficult to explain but it's a fairly accurate way of piecing a quilt. I'm sure if you google it there will be a better explanation than my ramblings!!

To this - all pieced and sewn together

An finally to this - with the border on. Makka Pakka is going to be one lucky.....  em not sure what it
is really. How about 'soft toy!

Monday, 9 April 2012

Florence's finished quilt

I think the title says it all! Off to Manchester this afternoon to deliver quilt.
Have started sorting out fabrics for Makka Pakka's quilt which I think I'm going to name  'The Note Block' . My next blog will explain!
Mae'n  wlyb heddiw !(it's raining today) Miserable for a Bank Holiday Monday!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Makka Pakka's Quilt

Florence's quilt is now well on the way but my next project is a wee quilt for Makka Pakka. Poor Makka Pakka looks cold lying in his new bed. I'm busy collecting fabric now for this project which will include  pillow and sheets. This you understand is not for me but my 21 month old granddaughter! Tan tro nesa. (till next time)

Monday, 5 March 2012


Helo pawb (hi everyone)
Yep, Florence's quilt is now 'on the hoop' at last. Having rushed to layer the quilt together to take on holiday to The Trossachs (beautiful) in Scotland so that I could peacefully fill my evenings quilting away, well - no chance. All that fresh air doesn't half make you tired in the evenings - or could that be the additional half glass of wine (hmmm!)
Keep it simple. That's my motto for lots of things but as this quilt is bright and busy , simple diagonal lines are all that's required. So it won't take me long now. Watchout for the finished article!. Have two projects in my head at the moment. I'll let you know what they are in my next blog   Tan tro nesa (till next time) I tell you -  Welsh lessons don't get any easier!! but it's all good fun

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Florence's quilt

No guessing who this is for then! Florence happens to be the granddaughter of a good friend in Manchester. Her two siblings have each had one so couldn't not do one for Florence when she arrived on the scene a few months ago. This one is really bright. 9 very simple star shapes so far. I happened to go to a Quilt Fair in Nantwich on Sunday with some friends and came home with an empty purse plus an ideal colourful backing fabric amongst other items!
As you can see I have constructed the blocks. Need to stitch them together now and think of
a border next. (so much for careful planning from start to finish!!). Watch this space. I'll need to find out what that is in Welsh so that I can pass it on to you. Meanwhile I have to tell the welsh class tonight what I have been doing today!! The only word that pops into my head at the moment is cwiltio. Not too difficult to guess what that means! Till next time (tan tro nesa).

Monday, 9 January 2012

Dolly Mixtures

And a happy New Year to all (Blwyddyn Newydd Dda) Hope it's a good one. Well I finished my mother's quilt in time for Christmas and after much deliberation decided to call it Dolly Mixtures. The colours remind me of the sweets I used to eat as a child mmm! I was pleased with the back of the quilt  having used left over triangles to create a block in the middle. So here are a few shots of the end results.
Talking of 'shots' I am now the proud owner of a Nikon D50 SLR camera (just in case there are any buffs out there!) so I hope to improve my imagery over time. Watch this space.
My next quilt is now out of my head sitting in a scrap pile waiting fo action! The next blog will show its progression. I thought I might show you how I piece it together but on the other hand...............
Hwyl i chi (goodbye to you - a bit formal I know !!)