Monday, 18 July 2011

Our little feathered friend

So you might say 'what's this got to do with quilting?' And of course the answer is 'nothing'! but I thought it such a cute picture worth sharing. What a  difference a quality camera makes.This was taken with a Sony SLR camera (set on automatic) which I borrowed from a friend . This little chick was waiting to be fed by its mother. The woodpeckers have been a delight in our garden this year. Talking of feathered friends my next blog could possibly be one  with pictures of our other new family of 'rescued chickens' which are settling in nicely......or of course it could be a quilt! Watch this space!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Kirsty's birthday quilt

Well that wasn't a very good start now was it - no blogs between April and July! - but now with a little bit of guidance on uploading photos  - watch this space! This photo is of a quilt I made this year for my daughters birthday. It raised a few eyebrows amongst friends as I am not known for doing 'brights'. This is as vivid as it gets. Made up from brick size rectangles - what could be easier - and it was easy. I just drew in the turquoise colour from the quilt in the edging to tie it all together. You can get a better view of this quilt if you look at my  gallery page on our website which is  Next installment coming soon.